St. Patrick’s is officially recognised as a Health Promoting School!

In honour of the hard work we do on the HPS team promoting wellbeing in our school, we have been awarded a well-earned official HPS flag. On Tuesday 18th June, we celebrated this achievement along with running the final kilometre of the 100K Challenge. This was organized by some of our lovely teachers, Mrs. O’Carroll, Ms. O’Malley, Ms. Morrogh and Ms. F. Ryan.
We are overwhelmed by how much our school has changed simply by being aware of the importance of physical and mental wellbeing. We are thankful for everyone’s participation in surveys and in spreading the awareness of minding our health. On Tuesday, we shared some healthy fruit and everyone had a chance to wear colourful tee-shirts.
We appreciate everyone’s support and I myself, am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be on the HPS team.

By Rahela Fatima, 6th Class