Student Council Update June 2021
Dignity Packs
Dignity packs is a project we did this year in our school. All the families in St. Patrick’s donated things that we use on a daily basis to give to homeless people. Over three days, girls from 1st to 5th class came to Ramthai and we packed 250 rucksacks with toiletries, snacks and warm clothes. We kept safe by staying in our pods and sanitising our hands. Then when all the bags were packed, Junior and Senior Infants carried them out to the front of the school. There was nearly not enough room in the two cars that came to collect them! The Dignity Packs were sent around the country to homeless people in need. A huge thank you to the Parent’s Association, all students and teachers and everyone who made a difference by helping with Dignity Packs.
Abi Duggan and Ellen Wu, 5th Class
Our Mural
We are busy creating a new mural! The theme is……outer space! All the boys and girls had a chance to recommend their ideas and this was the most popular theme. It is going to be nice and bright for everyone to see and will be right beside the 2018-2019 mural. So make sure, when you’re passing Ms. Leahy’s office to get a good look at the mural of Student Council 2020-2021!
Lucy Kelly and Lisa McCarthy, 4th Class

Fun Days
The student council have been working hard on planning and coordinating Fun Days for the whole school. We couldn’t have the Fun Day of past because of Covid 19 but that didn’t stop us. Instead, we have spread the Fun Days out over three weeks so that they can be done safely with each class being able to remain within their pods. Activities include space hoppers, a sand pit, slides, croquet and crazy golf. The student council have to set up the activities every day and help out at each of the stations. So far it has been a roaring success and we are so happy to see all the school having some well-deserved fun. Thankfully, the weather has behaved itself too and the sun has been splitting the stones each day. We hope everyone enjoys their Fun Day and that the sunshine continues.
Éabha Parker and Maryjo Mandras, 6th Class