Student Council
Student Council
In January 2013 we established the very first Student Council in St. Patrick’s. Pupils from 4th, 5th and 6th class represent all the boys and girls in the school, with elections held every year. As a Student Council we:
- listen to what students in our school have to say
- discuss their ideas and suggestions at our meetings
- tell everybody what we are doing
- work with teachers, Deputy Principal, Principal and parents to make St. Patrick’s a better place for everybody
The Student Council is made up of eighteen pupils from 4th to 6th class, with a chairperson, treasurer and secretary. Each council member represents both their own class and a younger class. They speak with their classes regularly and a suggestion box in each classroom allows pupils to communicate with them in between. Any ideas placed in the box are brought to a council meeting. The Student Council generally meets every fortnight, with Mrs. Flanagan or a member of staff present. The Student Council notice board keeps everyone in the school updated on what goes on.

The Student Council is also made up of teams that work very hard throughout the year in different areas.

Loreto Debating

On the 27th of January 2015, our school hosted the Loreto debating finals in honour of Mary Ward. We had the pleasure of welcoming representatives from eight Loreto schools to be part of our audience, along with girls from our own 5th and 6th classes. It was a very enjoyable experience for all.
The schools that competed for the shield were Loreto Gorey and Loreto Grange Road. The cup finalists were Loreto St. Stephen’s Green and Loreto Letterkenny. We were lucky to have had the opportunity to listen to very talented debaters. The atmosphere in the hall was incredible and intense. In the end the winners of the shield final were Loreto Gorey and the winners of the cup final were Loreto St. Stephen’s Green. As a school we can feel proud of having worked together to create a joyous and fun occasion for all Loreto schools!