Safer Internet Day 2021

#BeKindOnline – Safer Internet Day 2021
To mark Safer Internet Day, the Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, the Department of Justice and the Irish Safer Internet Centre invite you to the launch of the #BeKindOnline Webinar Series on Tuesday, 9 February at 2pm.
Register for the Safer Internet Day 2021 Launch Event
Launch Event
Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee TD, will deliver the opening remarks to launch Safer Internet Day 2021 before commencing Coco’s Law, or the Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Bill.
Professor Brian O’Neill (member of the National Advisory Council for Online Safety) will then host a panel discussion with the Irish Safer Internet Centre partners, including:
- Chief Executive of ISPCC Childline, John Church;
- CEO of the National Parents Council Primary, Áine Lynch;
- Project Officer of Webwise (PDST Technology in Education), Jane McGarrigle; and
- Chief Executive of, Ana Niculescu
#BeKindOnline Webinar Series
As part of Safer Internet Day, the Irish Safer Internet Centre will also host a series of webinars to help keep you and your families safe online:
Tuesday, 9 February: 7.30pm-8.15pm
· Title: Empowering Healthy Online Behaviour in Teenagers
· Guest Speaker: Dr Nicola Fox Hamilton, Cyberpsychology Researcher, member of the Cyberpsychology Research Group at the University of Wolverhampton and lectures in Cyberpsychology and Psychology in IADT, Dun Laoghaire.
· Audience: This webinar is for parents of teenagers.
· Register here
Wednesday, 10 February 7.30pm-8.15pm
· Title: Empowering Healthy Online Behaviour in Younger Children
· Guest Speaker: Mark Smyth, Consultant Clinical Psychologist
· Audience: This webinar is for parents of younger children.
· Register here
Thursday, 11 February 7.30pm-8.15pm
· Title: Empowering students to build digital resilience and manage their online wellbeing
· Guest Speakers: Jane McGarrigle and Tracy Hogan (Webwise)
· Audience: This webinar is for teachers, educators, school leaders and education stakeholders.
· Register here
About the Irish Safer Internet Centre
The Irish Safer Internet Centre exists to promote a safer and better use of the internet and digital technologies among children and young people. Co-ordinated by the Department of Justice, the Irish Safer Internet Centre partners are:
· ISPCC Childline:
· National Parents Council Primary:
· Webwise (PDST Technology in Education):
If you have any questions about the launch event or the evening webinars, please contact
We look forward to welcoming you.
Department of Justice
Webwise Parents Hub
Information and support to ensure the safety of your child online.
– Parenting experts offer advice on everything from talking to your child about sexting to modelling good behaviour.
– Keep up to date with the latest apps and social networks your children are using.
– Advice and support for parents on key issues such as making friends online and sharing personal information.
– Having open communication with your child around internet safety is one of the best ways to help your child navigate the online world safely.
– Support and step by step instructions on blocking, reporting, parental controls and more.