Project Postcard
St. Patrick’s HPS / Wicklow County Library Service Project Postcard

Wicklow County Council Library Service, as part of the Wicklow County Council Community Response Programme, have launched “Project Postcard” aimed at primary school children. St. Patrick’s are delighted to participate in this project.
The idea is to encourage primary school children to write to nursing home residents or to loved ones. A fun and engaging postcard has been designed on which the school children can write their own messages.
Pupils from 2nd and 5th have been linked with local nursing homes. They will send their postcards to the residents of Earlsbrook House, Shannagh Bay in Bray and West Wicklow Day Centre.
Postcards can be addressed to “Dear Friend” The children are free to write / draw / decorate the postcards in any way they wish, and teachers are free to help with ideas, or simply let the creativity flow! The sky is the limit! The children are free to send the postcards to whomever they wish, bearing in mind that postage is only free to nursing homes. There is a lot of scope in the design, so the children could write to grandparents / loved ones or a local community group. Some spare postcards have been provided should school staff wish to send cards to loved ones too!
We truly hope that you all enjoy taking part in Project Postcard. We are grateful to the children and staff for helping to spread a little cheer during this difficult time.
Please keep an eye on the Library Service social media platforms for regular postings on Project Postcard.
Facebook: Wicklow County Council Library Service
Twitter: Wicklowlibraries@WicklowLibs