Parent Association Constitution

St. Patrick’s Loreto Primary School

Parent Association



The Name of the Association shall be the “St. Patrick’s Loreto Primary School, Parent Association, Bray, Co. Wicklow”.




  1. To assist the Principal and Management of the School in deepening the influence of the Christian message in the lives of pupils, parents, staff and administrators.

  2. To assist the Principal and Management of the School in informing and consulting parents regarding school plans and activities. (It is not, however, the role of the Parent Association to be involved in the internal administration of the school).

  3. To assist and advise the Principal and Management of the School when requested in raising whatever funds may be required to finance improvements to the School’s facilities.

  4. To assist the Principal and Management of the School in the organisation of events and school ceremonies for the pupils of the school and their parents.

  5. To encourage parent participation in promoting the well-being and interests of the pupils of the school.



All parents and guardians of the pupils of St. Patrick’s Loreto Primary School, Bray, Co. Wicklow shall be members of the Parent Association. A nominal annual affiliation fee will be requested from all members to cover administration costs of the Parent Association.


  1. The business of the Parent Association shall be guided by a Committee.

  2. An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year at which the Committee shall be formed.


  1. Any parent who wishes to be a member of the Committee should submit their name to the Chairperson in advance of the Annual General Meeting.


  1. All parents who submit their names to the Chairperson will be deemed to be members of the Committee

  2. The Committee may also engage the resources of other parents/guardians/professionals to assist the Committee as required.


  1. The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are deemed to be the Officers of the committee.

  2. Vacant Officer positions shall be filled by a majority vote of the committee members at the first committee meeting after the A.G.M.

  3. Members may hold each officer position only once during their time on the committee. Each officer position is for a maximum of two years. An individual may only hold one officer position at any given time.

  4. The Principal of the School shall be an ex offcio member of the Committee.



  1. All decisions of the committee shall be passed by a simple majority of those present. 
  2. The Secretary will record the minutes of the committee meeting and will circulate these minutes prior to the next meeting.
  3. Once agreed, the minutes should be signed by the chairperson at the next committee meeting of the Parent Association. The signed minutes will be kept by the Secretary.
  4. Notice of the date of the next committee meeting and the agenda will be circulated by the secretary of the committee. 
  5. Unless a committee member requests otherwise, all notices and reminders of Parent Association meetings shall be sent by text message and all papers sent electronically. 
  6. Forty-eight hours notice must be given to members of the Committee before a meeting.
  7. The Committee may, at its discretion, set up any sub-committee it deems necessary. This sub-committee must submit progress reports as required to the committee.
  8. The Committee, via the Chairperson, may at its discretion, call meetings of the general parent body. Ten days notice must be given for any such meeting.
  9. Committee meetings will be held as often as is necessary to carry out the business of the Association, providing that at least two meetings are held per term.
  10. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be requisitioned by written request to the Board of Management by no less than sixty parents.
  11. Any member of the Committee, who fails to attend three consecutive meetings, without notifying the secretary in advance, shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee. The Committee member will be informed of their deemed resignation in writing by the Chairperson of the Committee. 
  12. A financial report shall be presented by the Treasurer at each committee meeting.
  13.  The Treasurer of the Association shall prepare the accounts of the Association and present these accounts of the Association to the General Meeting for approval.
  14. The Committee shall maintain a bank account in which affiliation fee monies shall be deposited. 
  15. All expenses, relating to the business of the committee, as claimed by committee members must be supported by receipts. These expenses will be repaid by way of cheque from the Parent Association Bank Account.
  16. All cheques shall be signed by two of following Officers of the Committee – Treasurer, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson or Secretary.
  17. All monies raised by the fund raising activities of the Parent Association shall be lodged into St Patrick’s Loreto Primary School Board of Management Bank Account.


Communication with Parents

  1. The Committee will issue a Newsletter to the members of the association once a term.

  2. The Committee will provide a comment box and an email address for the purpose of the members raising concerns and/or suggestions to the Committee.

  3. Parents’ comments should relate to issues which fall within the duties and responsibilities of the Parent Association constitution only. All other matters should be raised directly with the School.

  4. The comments/suggestion box and Association email shall be reviewed on a regular basis. Each comment will be given a reference number, and on condition that contact details have been provided a standard letter/email shall be sent letting the sender know that the comment has been recorded and will be brought to the attention of the School or the next Committee meeting, as is appropriate to the suggestion.

  5. The Committee will provide a notice board so that the members of the Association will be kept informed of all activities of the Committee. This notice board is available to all members of the Association to advertise suitable activities, subject to prior approval being sought from the School Office.

  6. Any changes in the constitution of the Parent Association will require a motion in writing to the chairperson and a two-thirds majority of members present and voting at the A.G.M.

  7. The constitution of the Parent Association shall be reviewed as required.

  8. A hard copy of the Parent Association Constitution is available on request. A copy shall also be put on the website.



This Revised Parent Association Constitution shall come into effect on the ______ day of __________ 2011.


Signed, on behalf of the Parent Association, by the officers of the committee:-



_____________________________                  _______________________________

CHAIRPERSON                                    VICE-CHAIRPERSON





______________________________         _______________________________

SECRETARY                                    TREASURER