Dignity Packs 2022
Dignity Packs 2022
Update: Thursday 7th April 2022
Have a look at our Dignity Packs video.
St. Patrick’s would like to thank the pupils, staff, parents and the local community for making Dignity Packs 2022 such a success! The 200 bags collected today will go to Bray Women’s Refuge, Tiglin and homeless services in Dublin.

St. Patrick’s Student Council make the News!

St Patrick’s School principal Niamh Morrogh, Sarah Moynihan of Saoirse Domestic Violence Services and Jan Comish of Dignity Packs and Work Human with the St Patrick’s NS student council. (Independent.ie Tuesday 15th March 2022)
According to data published in a report by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage on Gov.ie as of December 2021 there were 6,463 adults homeless in Ireland. This figure only represents adults accessing emergency accommodation, this number does not include ‘hidden homelessness’ which refers to people who are living in squats or ‘sofa surfing’ with friends, or sleeping rough on our streets. The data also does not include the number of children in our country affected by homelessness.
Given the very difficult couple of years we have all endured due to the Pandemic the Student Council of St. Patrick’s in collaboration with the Parent Association wanted to continue the good work and build on the success of the previous three years with Dignity Packs. We plan to run a Dignity Pack production line to make 200 Dignity Packs. These Dignity Packs will be distributed to homeless people in the Dublin and Wicklow areas. We hope to create a sense of social responsibility and encourage a sense of gratitude in our pupils.
This year we are also working on supporting our local Women’s Refuge by providing 25 Dignity Packs especially designed for their needs.
What are Dignity Packs?
In 2015, a student from Loreto Bray, Molly Comish, came up with the novel idea of ‘Dignity Packs’. She felt compelled to do something when she was struck by the number of homeless people on the streets of Dublin city on Christmas Eve.
St. Patrick’s Student Council was inspired by Molly’s actions and committed to fundraising in order to buy stock to fill the Dignity Packs with basic items that a person who is homeless may need on a daily basis. This is supported and encouraged by the staff, Board of Management and Parent Association.
Thanks to your generosity, €780 was raised on Christmas Colours Day. This money will be used to purchase stock for the Dignity Packs. However, we still need your help!
Many aspects of life as we know it have changed due to the pandemic. We acknowledge that many families are experiencing difficult and challenging times. If you are in a position to help, we are suggesting that each class group bring in specific items. Please see below. A box will be placed in or outside your child’s classroom. The children will place the items in the box and the items will be left to quarantine. The production line will be somewhat different this year, taking place over a number of days, in compliance with Covid procedures.
Class | Item |
Junior Infants | Baby Wipes |
Senior Infants | A chocolate bar or treat |
1st Class | Cereal bars |
2nd Class | Sponges |
3rd Class | Toothpaste |
4th Class | Sun cream – small or travel size (no aerosol please) |
5th Class | Hand cream – small size |
6th Class | Roll-on Deodorant (no glass please) |
Your support and generosity are much appreciated.