Class Resources – 2nd Class

22nd February 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you and your family had a pleasant mid-term break and you are all safe and well at this time.   

Last half-term the girls worked so hard and we were delighted to receive all their work.  This week we will continue to use Zoom and Seesaw as before and continue to plan a daily activity journal for the girls on Seesaw.  We are looking forward to seeing their work again and to being impressed by the daily effort and commitment that you and the children make to complete this activity journal.  We also appreciate that sometimes not all of the work is completed due to other circumstances.  

We have extra resources and further activities available for you and the children to explore and use on a Second Class Padlet (the link is below).  We would encourage the children to use this resource as there are extension activities here that often support the learning that is taking place in the daily activity journal. 

This week we encourage you and your family to embrace the Squeeze in a Read day on Thursday 25th February.  As you know, it is so important to do things that you enjoy and reading we believe is one such thing.  So have fun and see if you can pledge to ‘squeeze in a read’ on this day.

Please let us know if we can be of further help to you.

Best wishes and take care,

The Second Class Team

Ms Nolan, Ms Hawkins, Ms Shannon

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