Junior Infants

Junior Infants’ Activities

Have a look at Ms. McKeon’s Junior Infants class website

Junior Infants have had a busy few months settling into school. Here are a few photos of us hard at work with our construction and pattern activities.



Here are some of Ms. Travers’ class exploring their sense of taste in SPHE. We tasted food that was sweet, sour, salty and bitter. There were a few surprises as to which foods got thumbs up or thumbs down!




Junior Infants’ Autumn Walk


The Junior Infant classes have been out exploring Autumn in the school grounds. We have been very diligent searching for signs of Autumn and recording our results on our sheets and clipboards. We found plenty of multicoloured leaves, spider webs, mushrooms, birds, pine cones and even a fox! 




Junior Infants get KidSmart!


As part of the IBM KidSmart Young Explorer™programme, each Junior Infant class was very excited to receive a new computer. The computers are housed in a fun, bright and sturdy workstation and came complete with a printer. Ready to go with software designed to develop the children’s computer skills as well as improving literacy and numeracy, the children wasted no time in having fun with their new resource. Each class was also treated to a Sony Bloggie camera also, to capture all those special moments!

Our many thanks to Sid McDonagh and IBM for their generosity and support.


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