Proposed amendments to the Parent Association Constitution, for adoption at 2011 AGM.

Proposed amendments to the Parent Association Constitution, for adoption at 2011 AGM.

In line with best practice the constitution of the parent association was reviewed during 2011. As a result some minor editing changes were made and a significant change to the structure of the committee is proposed.

The proposed change relates to membership of the committee of the parent association. Under the revised constitution all parents who put their names forward for membership of the Committee will be deemed to be members, thus removing the need for an election process. The only requirement is that committee members commit to attend regular meetings. It is hoped that this will encourage more parents to become involved in the work of the Parent Association.

In light of the changes the revised constitution requires adoption by the Parent Association at the AGM on 4th October.Details of the changes are shown in the table below:


              Existing constitution                                             Proposed Constitution             

(a)The business of the Association shall be under the management of a Committee.

(a)The business of the Parent Association shall be guided by a Committee.

(b) An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year at which the Committee of no more than 20 members shall be elected.

(b) An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year at which the Committee shall be formed.

(c) Once elected each member will then be put forward for re-election on a two yearly basis.

(c) Any parent who wishes to be a member of the Committee should submit their name to the Chairperson in advance of the Annual General Meeting.

(d) All parents who submit their names to the Chairperson will be deemed to be members of the Committee

(e) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members on to the Committee if it becomes necessary.

(e) The Committee may also engage the resources of other parents /guardians /professionals to assist the Committee as required.

(f) The Committee may also engage the resources of other parents/guardians to assist the Committee as required.

(f) The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are deemed to be the Officers of the committee.

(g) At the first Committee meeting following the A.G.M. the Committee shall elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and a Secretary.

(g) Vacant Officer positions shall be filled by a majority vote of the committee members at the first committee meeting after the A.G.M.

(h) Officers will not hold any office for longer than two consecutive years.

(h )Members may hold each officer position only once during their time on the committee. Each officer position is for a maximum of two years.  An individual may only hold one officer position at any given time.

(d)The Principal of the School shall be an ex offcio member of the Committee.

(i) The Principal of the School shall be an ex offcio member of the Committee.